The gospel of Jesus Christ

The gospel of Jesus Christ

My time in Kenosha, WI was wonderful. My dear friend Sharon went with me and I especially enjoyed by time with her! It was wonderful seeing the Carlson's, staying in their home, visiting their church and getting caught up on what God has been doing in and through their lives the past several years. There was snow on the ground when we arrived and even more when we left. It was truly a winter wonderland!

On Tuesday evening, I was beyond blessed as 37 women responded to the gospel message. I LOVE it when people come to Christ. I long for it. I remember several years ago having the privilege of attending the "last" Billy Graham crusade held in NYC. I couldn't wait until the end to see with my very own eyes the people who would surely flood the aisles. And flood the aisles they did. I cried! People had been praying for years for this crusade. Churches had been planning where to have it, how to get others involved in the promoting and how to follow up with those who would come to Christ during the event. Even more important were the strategies put into place to insure that everyone had opportunity to hear about and attend the crusade. I share this because I love the way the organizers of the Billy Graham crusades anticipate that people WILL come to Christ in response to the gospel message! All this just makes me want to be more deliberate in sharing the gospel message. Oh yes...I long to see people come to Christ. Don't you? It is awe inspiring! It is thrilling to see the power of God at work! And even more amazing is that God let's us participate. I mean we can plan the event, invite others to attend, share the message and/or disciple. Does it get better than this?

I thank God for my salvation! For I her who was not beloved but now am beloved of God. WOW. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...(Romans 1:16). I thank God for the opportunity to share in Kenosha and I pray for more and more opportunities to share this most precious truth in anticipation that others WILL come to Christ.

The spirit is willing but the flesh got overwhelmed!

The spirit is willing but the flesh got overwhelmed!

Bound for Kenosha, WI

Bound for Kenosha, WI