I love women

I love women

For a short time, my family had a peanut farm. To make a long but funny story short, my daddy traded a car for it. Here is a picture of my mother (momma), sister and me on that peanut farm. Because of my mother, the three of us had many, many adventures. She was bold, courageous, determined, ahead of her time, and embraced womanhood like none other.


My parents were from the "Great Generation."  All I know is my parents had true grit, determination, amazing work ethic, patriotism, and were people of character, integrity and honorable. Growing up they had to work hard just to eat and survive (the great depression). As soon as they reached adulthood, they had to go to war (World War II) and fight to survive.

These were people who understood and learned the perseverance and endurance needed to survive. Surviving takes wisdom, reason, discipline, perseverance, selflessness and on the list could go. 

Shortly after I arrived in their lives, they added Jesus to the mix and #wow. These were wonderful people who were ready and equipped to take on the world. While women played a huge role in winning World War II, when the men return home, the women were expected to return to the home. For the most part, a woman's world was still "in the home." But, I learned from my mother that a woman's influence (good or bad) has no limits.

My daddy had a career in the insurance adjusting world and would be sent from state to state to open offices. As soon as they were up and going, he'd be off to the next city to open and get another new office going.  Daddy would always go ahead, and mother, my sister and I would pack up, drive to the next place, find a place to live and make it home sweet home.

I remember my parents telling the story of my daddy buying my mother a '55 or '56 pink and grey Chevy.  Then, he signed her up for driving lessons. Her first trip in her new car was with daddy driving them to a city several hours away. The plan was for them to spend a couple of days together then he would stay on for a business meeting and she would return home, by herself, driving her new car! So, off she went promising to call him the minute she arrived home. Upon arriving home, she couldn’t wait to call him to gell him that he might have made the biggest mistake he'd ever because now that she knew she could do it, her next trip would be home to Georgia to see family.  Yep...from, that day on my mother zig-zagged the county with my sister and me.

She drove, she worked, she led, she ruled! But not in a loud or forceful way. While she was definitely determined she was always the lady (refined and of gentle manners).

My mother loved being a woman. 

She loved being a wife and partner, and she loved her girls. She was nurturing, and her home was a haven and her domain. If you threatened her home (family), she was fierce! She loved pretty things and making things pretty...all with very little money but a whole lot of effort. That woman could make a meal out of nothing, set a beautiful table and make it look effortless. I don't think there is anything my mother couldn't or wouldn't do if she put her mind to it. And when she put her mind to something, she took my sister and me on the journey with her. And, remember, she had Jesus - so watch out!

Oh, the adventures we took as we moved and zig-zagged the county. Sure, there were many challenges along the way, but we watched her rise to every one of them. Watching my mother, I learned that women are strong and mighty while at the same time soft and safe. Women give life and do whatever it takes to ensure that life not only survives but thrives. I learned from my mother that women don't have to tell people how powerful they are because they just go about wielding their power for good.

Women are wonderful.

Because of my mother, I love being a woman, and I love being with women. Yes, because of my mother...

I love women.

In the presence of my women friends and family, I find a special kind of companionship and comfort.  I take joy and pleasure in each woman and their unique style and personality.  I find great delight in listening to and watching them share their life stories and experiences. Often, as they talk and share, I find myself noting the special things about them.  My heart smiles even now as I remember those who use their hands to talk, make faces, the inflections in their voice, the color of their eyes and hair, the shape of their face, eyes,...  I am so grateful for the women in my life and what I learn about being a woman from every one of them.

To my mother, I say happy birthday in heaven. I miss you every day, but I am so grateful for your legacy of faith and womanhood. To my sister I say, I love you to the moon and back and look forward to the adventures yet to come.  May we embrace life with the same faith, grit, and zeal as did our mother (and daddy).

Hissy Fit

Hissy Fit

Daddy and Billy Graham

Daddy and Billy Graham