

Happy Labor Day weekend! it’s busy here at the lake. Houses that frequently sit empty have driveways full of cars, boats zig-zag the lake, golf carts and ATVs are everywhere! All enjoying what’s normally considered the final days of summer.

We’ve had a really hot summer and everyone seems more than ready for cooler, fall temps. However, the 10-day forecast shows we’ll be enjoying 90+ temps. I heard a weatherman last night call this a cooling trend. Well yes, cooler than 100+ but a cooling trend?

I guess it’s all about perspective, isn’t it?

Perspective = a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

You know what? My perspective, attitude, and point of view are not always right. Sometimes I have to give myself a good talking to. Sort the bad/wrong thinking/attitude to discover the right! This summer I turned our non-heated hot tub into a mini pool. While it’s been a great way to beat the heat, it’s been an even greater way to sit and gain perspective. Pray and process with the Lord. Think, reason, and sort through the why and what of my attitude. Gain a new perspective! His perspective!

Oh, how I need His (Jesus’) perspective. How about you?

A lesson from an acorn

A lesson from an acorn

Vlog #11 - How are you doing?