Ring out the false, ring in the new!

Ring out the false, ring in the new!

May this be a year in which we seek truth like never before. But what is truth? By definition, truth is absolute which means there can’t be my truth or your truth based on what we think or determine is right for us. To believe otherwise is called deceiving ourselves.

God’s Word is truth. Seeking it, knowing it, believing it, and living it changes our minds, hearts, and thus our behavior. In it, is everything we need for life and godly living. Truth sets us free from lies, wrong beliefs, thinking, and behaviors. It can make us wise as serpents yet gentle as doves. It is to be treasured, guarded, and taught.

Deception abounds and the only way to know that we are deceived is to know the truth. Again, God’s Word is truth. Why we just celebrated God’s Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us? Yes, truth is a person. Jesus.

Having a personal relationship with Jesus makes God’s Word relational! It’s alive and active in its wonder-working power. It’s our manual for living…recorded and preserved just for us so we are not left clueless.

My word for 2023 and beyond? TRUTH. Not my truth or your truth but HIS truth.

The sum of God’s word is truth, and every one of His righteous rules endures forever.

John 17:17
2 Peter 1:3
Matthew 10:16
2 Timothy
John 1:14
Hebrews 4:12

I see God

I see God

Peace with God

Peace with God