One Way

One Way

When I first saw this picture (not mine), I loved it because it spoke the truth that there is no other way to salvation than through Jesus Christ.

But then I noticed that the one-way sign was pointing away from the cross. Uh…what? Y’all, that’s just wrong.

I know, I know, it’s just a picture but it speaks to the subtleness of deception. To believe that anything other than the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross can save us and grants us eternal life with Christ leads us down a one-way dead-end street. And when I say dead, I mean eternal death where the presence and favor of God is no more…ever. In a world where penalties and consequences to bad behavior seem to be disappearing, we fall victim to also believing there is no penalty and consequence to our sin.

What is sin? God says it’s knowing the right thing to do and not doing it.

Since each one of us have known the right thing to do and haven't done it, we can agree with God that all have sinned. We all do it so no biggy, right? Well, not true because God goes on to say that the penalty of our sin is death. Physical and spiritual death. Can’t argue with the fact that we all die physically. But God’s Word also says that we are eternal beings and that we will live forever either in the presence and favor of God or excluded from the presence and favor of God. You don't want to argue this because it's hell. Literally.

This is why it matters that the one-way sign is pointing away from the cross. The cross is where God provided us the way. The only way. Through the blood, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our penalty is paid, forgiveness of our sins available, and the gift of eternal life extended to all who believe this.

Being a good person, doing good things, getting baptized or sprinkled as a child, isn’t the way. We can’t earn or do our way into the presence of God…now or forever. There is only one way and that is through faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.

Please don’t go the wrong way just because it feels right, sounds right. Don’t believe me. Ask God to show you so that you know that you know for yourself if you are headed in the right direction. Then commit to reading through the book of John, jotting down questions you are asking God and lies you might be believing.

Blind is blind

Blind is blind

I see God

I see God