Do not be deceived

Do not be deceived

Did you know the words "do not be deceived" are mentioned multiple times in the New Testament?

As a part of my Monday heart work, I was reminded. I needed to be reminded, so I figured maybe you did too. Interestingly, after each mention is a list of behaviors that reveal we are or have been deceived. It got me thinking about if we are deceived how do we know we are deceived? Surely most of us would agree it's when we learned the truth. We discovered something that revealed the fact we'd been deceived.

This reminded me of what Jesus said to His disciples right before He died: "Make them holy in the truth, Thy Word is truth." Or said another way, set them apart in their behavior by truth, God's Word is truth. Well goodness, I say to myself. No wonder the New Testament is filled with lists about behavior. Holy, godly behavior. What it looks like to be set apart from the world in my behavior. Trust me, what God says my behavior should be and look like is totally different than what the world is telling me. And you.

Deception abounds. More so than at any other time in my life. But how do I know I'm being deceived? How do you know you are being deceived? Is it logical to think that there is your truth, my truth and everyone has their own truth? That's everyone doing what's right in their own eyes and ... in my opinion ... that's brought us to our current state of chaos.

As a follower of Christ, someone who believes that God's Word is absolute truth, I don't have the option to do what is right in my own eyes. I must yield, bow, and be obedient to what God says I should do and how I should behave.

Look, I admit it can be difficult at times to give up what I want and align my thinking with God's. I surely do not always behave as I should. I'm definitely a work in progress. But the glorious truth is I know better. I know when I'm messing up and I know it's not what I want to do, not deep down in my heart that has willingly surrendered to the One who ransomed my soul.

How do I know better? How do I discover I am or am being deceived? I read God's Word and make lists of what being holy or set apart in my behavior looks like. I also make lists of what it does NOT look like.

Sweet friends, the world is throwing a lot of messages at us. Words, visuals, and even laws that God's Word would say to us: "Do not be deceived." But if we do not know God's Word then we can easily fall into the deception trap. May it not be so.

Truth Flash: God tells us in His Word that the ruler of this world is Satan. Also called the devil, serpent of old, liar, father of lies, and murderer, and listen to this, he deceives the whole world. That's us by the way. But praise be to God, Peter tells us that those who put their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ are no longer DEVOID of truth.

We have the truth, can know the truth, and have the privilege of living the truth. Living holy and set apart in our behavior from a world of deception.

Honestly, it can be hard work keeping your head on straight in this crazy world. Living accordingly to God's Word will get you canceled by friends and even family. That hurts. Abiding by the truth of God's Word will set you apart alright and you will probably be judged harshly. You will look strange and foolish and accused of all kinds of things you are not.

Oh, what a privilege we have of knowing the truth, speaking the truth, and living out the truth to a world desperately needing truth. May we be bold, courageous, strong in our faith/beliefs, and embrace our purpose.

Our purpose? To be holy.

If we have the truth and know the truth, then why are we in this current state of chaos? Why are we now living in a post-Christian society?

You and I have dropped the ball. We have failed to pass the baton of truth. We've become the silent majority who is now the silent minority. This should not be. Should it?

Our voices should not be loud and harsh. Our words of truth should be filled with love, mercy, grace, and to those God has put within our reach and influence. And when our words will not be heard or received then how we live our lives should do the talking for us. Our holy, set-apart in our behavior lives.

Let's do this!

Oh joy.

Oh joy.

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