Frankly my dear, I'm afraid!

Frankly my dear, I'm afraid!

Stepping out - walking by faith not sight?

The for sale sign is finally up. Sunday at church, the pastor and elders prayed with us, blessed us, loved on us and kind of said goodbye to us. Tom left Monday to head back down to Tennessee to work. He'll be back here for Thanksgiving, return to TN and then back for Christmas/New Year’s. As I shared earlier, I'm in that betwixt and between place in my life. I know God is calling me out of Truth for Women. Things are moving forward there without me and that's both thrilling and....I'm not sure what this is I "feel." This past weekend, I got a glimpse of how God might be leading me next. But I can't quite visualize it yet. I’m sitting here this week with things to do but I'm here and the folks I'm working with and for are there. And, I have a million who, what, where, when, why and how questions! Frankly my dear, I’m afraid.

In my crying out to God, He's reminded me that I haven't known what I was doing for years, but He has been faithful to give me what I've needed to accomplish the things He was calling me to accomplish. During my time at Truth for Women, God used the book of Nehemiah to help and guide me. I'm reminded of just how often I have found myself in a place where I've "felt" overwhelmed, discouraged and afraid. I learned from Nehemiah that the cure for fear is to remember God who is great and awesome.

Frankly my dear, it’s normal to be afraid. The thing is I just can’t stay afraid or I’ll never step out and accomplish what God has planned for me to do next. REMEMBERING GOD WHO IS GREAT AND AWESOME!

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. Psalm 56:3



Hershey "High"

Hershey "High"