God's army

God's army

I spoke truths at a seminar yesterday that I need to be reminded of OFTEN. One truth that I seem to so easily forget is that in this world, I WILL have troubles (John 8:44) and so I shouldn't go around acting as though some strange thing is happening to me when troubles and trials come (1 Peter 4:12). Really, it's a miracle of God that anything good happens in this world. I mean, after all, the ruler of this world is our adversary, the devil, who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us, our families, marriages, children, churches, and communities (1 Peter 5:8). Boy, it is SO important for me to remember where I am (the world) and to stop and get God's perspective on my troubles and trials. Joseph understood that even though what happened to him was meant for evil - God meant it for good in order to bring about His results and to preserve many people alive (Genesis 50:20). I pray God will help me keep this same perspective - no matter what!

The other truth that I need to remember is that every day, there is a spiritual battle raging. Far too many years I pursued the things of the world rather than the things of God. Fight? Hardly. Because I didn't join the fight, I'm part of the reason truth literally stumbled in the streets. Much ground has been lost. I shared with the ladies yesterday some facts I found on at todaysmilitary.com re boot camp basic training and combat training that I think relate to being in God's army. It says: "Basic training prepares recruits for all elements of service: physical, mental, and emotional. It gives people the basic tools necessary to perform the roles that will be asked of them for the duration of their tour." Yep, this will preach! This is exactly how God intends to use the various troubles and trials that come my way! It goes on to say: "combat training is a journey of self-discovery...discovering inner strength and learning valuable skills that will help them succeed as soldiers in the army and in life." Preach it some more! God has certainly used the troubles and trials in my life to help me to discover HIS strength as well as teach me valuable skills that ARE helping me to succeed as a soldier in His army. Oh, how I need to remember that life here is not about me, my comfort, my anything. It's about Him and advancing HIS kingdom. No longer do I want to play the role of the harlot princess pursuing the "good life" and the riches of this world or who whines and complains and wishes she were anywhere other than where God has her. That "me" didn't even know she'd been recruited into God's army - let alone boot camp. I'm embarrassed that I can say I totally get where Goldie Hawn is coming from in the below scene from "Private Benjamin." No more....I'm mobilizing for war! How about you (whoever is reading this)? Are you in or are you out?

His eye is on the sparrow

His eye is on the sparrow

One little dog

One little dog