Go figure!

Go figure!


There Moses was minding his father in law's flock when God showed up in a very unexpected and glorious way and captured Moses' attention.  I love it!

What I love more is what the Bible says next: "when He saw that Moses turned aside to look, God called to Moses".  This will preach and what happened next is history.

As I've listened to the account of Moses, I've been deeply touched by just how human he was!  You see, Moses wasn't at all certain he was God's man. But God...God was certain of what He could and would accomplish in and through Moses!

At the very start, God assured Moses that He would "certainly" be with him and even assured him that the elders of Israel would pay "heed to do what you say". That's a lot of assurance! Oh yeah, and don't forget this conversation was all taking place in front of a bush that was burning but not burning up.  God even goes on to tell Moses that He was going to grant favor to the Hebrews in such a way that they would leave Egypt with articles of silver, gold, clothing and would plunder the Egyptians. Wow! You'd think Moses would be ready to charge, right?  Not so much.  Guess how Moses responds?  "But what if they don't believe me or listen to me."

Does this sound like a leader of people to you?  I mean, go figure. Why pick Moses - I wonder?  He had separated himself from his own people some 40 years earlier.  Actually, he was kind of old and didn't much act like he wanted to go deliver anyone. But God was telling Moses to go and there Moses was asking "what if."  I just love what God does next.  He asked Moses what he had in his hand (a staff) and then He tells him to throw it to the ground and it turned into a serpent!  Wow! Guess what Moses did?  Fled from it.  Do you love it?  But God...tells Moses to stretch out his hand and grasp its tail and Moses did. Go Moses!

This spoke to my heart.  God took what Moses had and used it to show Himself powerful and mighty.  As Moses was obedient to do, he experienced the power and might of God and each experience strengthened his faith.  Yep, that's a life lesson and it's also a tip for leading forward!  Okay, so several more miraculous signs occur and Moses is now ready to charge, right?  Nope!  He tells the Lord he can't really speak well.  Uh, excuse me...don't you think the God who just did those signs and wonders would give you the ability to speak well?  Like I would have responded any differently. Ha!  This is where God gets angry with Moses but tells Moses he will give him Aaron who speaks fluently.

Isn't God gracious?  He takes what we have, gives us His power and might and then teams us up with others to accomplish His purposes.  Go figure.  As I listen on, I hear God sending helper after helper so that Moses can lead God's people.  Some of these helpers are very interesting.  More on that later.  You know what strikes me here?  Each and everyone of us is leading.  We are using our influence to lead people toward God or away from God.  We are using our influence to impact the lives of those God has put within our reach and influence for Him - or not.  Why would God pick me to lead?  What would God pick you to lead?  Because He is able to take what we have and give us what we need.  Amen?

Listen to Exodus 3:-4:17.  I'd love to know what life lessons you hear.

Who knew?

Who knew?

Oh gnats!

Oh gnats!